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Virginia Sheriffs' Institute
Supporting Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

Deputy Billy M. (B.J.) Mull, Jr. of Mecklenburg County is being recognized as the 2008 Virginia Sheriffs’ Association Valor Award Recipient at the Association’s annual banquet being held Tuesday, September 16 at The Hotel Roanoke.

The VSA Board of Directors decided to award this prestigious award to Deputy Mull based on his unquestionable, above and beyond the call of duty performance and his extreme life-threatening act of bravery.On Friday afternoon, the 15th of August 2008, Deputy B.J. Mull heard Central Dispatch give a call to Chase City Rescue for an elderly female that had fallen out of her wheelchair. Deputy Mull was in the area and decided to respond to the location of the call because he knew that the female lived by herself and was restricted to a wheelchair. When he arrived he found the house on fire with heavy smoke. He notified Dispatch to send the fire department to the location and advised them that he was going into the house. Deputy Mull broke the door glass and gained entrance into the house. He was able to locate the victim and removed her from the house. In a statement by the Assistant Chief Rick Magann, of the Chase City Vol. Fire Department, the victim would not have survived another five minutes if not for the actions of Deputy Mull.