The York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that Sergeant Dennis W. Ivey, Jr. has been recognized as one of Hampton Roads Top Cops. Sgt. Ivey received this award at the Eighth Annual Hampton Roads Crime Line Dinner & Top Cop Awards held in Hampton October 4th 2008. Dennis is as a supervisor in our Investigations Division. One of his many duties includes serving as Crime Line Coordinator for the Sheriff’s Office.
Sergeant Ivey is a certified gang specialist in the Commonwealth of Virginia, having obtained this certification through his participation in the Virginia Gang Investigators Association. During the past year, Sergeant Ivey has worked hard to educate the community on the growing problem of gangs and gang related violence in the Hampton Roads area. Sergeant Ivey has made numerous presentations to local school administrators, government officials, and civic organizations. He has been recognized by the York County court system as an expert in the area of gangs and gang related graffiti. He has been called upon as a consultant by other law enforcement agencies to help them with gang related problems.
In 2007 York County became one of the first jurisdictions in the state to convict several defendants with newly enacted gang related crime statutes. These convictions were made possible largely because of the hard work of Sergeant Ivey.
Further demonstrating his commitment to law enforcement and the community, this is the 3rd Award for Deputy of the Year that Sgt. Ivey has received from similar groups.
Sergeant Ivey’s efforts to educate the community and the citizens of Hampton Roads about the increasing problems with gangs and gang violence has no doubt made the Hampton Roads area safer, better educated, and better prepared for the problems caused by gangs. His efforts have benefited not just York County, but all of the citizens of Hampton Roads. His hard work and dedication to duty make Sergeant Ivey worthy of being called one of Hampton Roads Top Cops.