Hampton Sheriff, B.J. Roberts has the local community on board with the 911 Cell Phone Bank to recycle cell phones. Since partnering with the 911 Cell Phone Bank, the program has grown each month with businesses, organizations and residents of the Peninsula supporting and networking to spread the word about contributing to this worthy cause. The project helps to protect the environment with the collection of used cell phones. The cell phones are then used to raise funds and provide emergency communications to senior citizens and victims of domestic abuse in our community.
“Our project got off to a great start”, said Hampton Sheriff B.J. Roberts. “The response in our community has been tremendous in assisting our efforts to safeguard the environment and to provide emergency cell phones to seniors and victims of abuse”.
The Hampton School Division was the first organization to make a major donation with 100 cell phones for our recycling effort. Sue Ange, Assistant Director of Finance and Georgianna Skinner, Director of Technology Services were more than glad to assist the program and pledged to have additional phone donations in the future. Sandra Ferguson, Employee Relations Specialist at Canon Virginia, learned of the community program and went to work collecting used cell phones at the huge facility on Canon Boulevard. Ms. Ferguson’s efforts yielded a collection of more than 100 cell phones and pledged to also make additional phone donations in the future. . Ann Maninga, Decision Support Specialist for Hampton’s Information Technology Department, coordinated a large donation of well over 120 cell phones to be recycled.

Most of the estimated 140 million cell phones retired annually are stashed away somewhere, gathering dust. Unfortunately, many of these phones find their way to landfills where they can leach hazardous materials into the surrounding environment.
Students at Jones Magnet Middle School in Hampton wanted to tackle a community project that would have a positive effect on their community and the city of Hampton. It turns out that their recent efforts to collect and recycle used cell phones will help on an even larger scale. The students of the Jones Young Ladies and Gentleman’s Club worked throughout the second semester collecting cell phones for the Hampton Sheriff’s Office. With the support of Maya Richardson, school guidance counselor, and Larry Brinkley, Hampton City Schools’ social worker, the club members completed their project and collected nearly 100 cell phones.
Sheriff’s recycling program benefits senior citizens and victims of domestic abuse
Our program has recycled more than 1,300 cell phones and there is not a week that goes by that a citizen or business hasn’t called with more phones. In addition to protecting the environment, the collection of used cell phones also raises funds and provides emergency communications to senior citizens and victims of domestic abuse in our community. Those funds raised recently allowed Sheriff B. J. Roberts and the Hampton Sheriff’s Office to make a $500 donation to the Hampton Triad. Triad’s focus is to improve the quality of life of mature adults by linking them with special services and activities. The Hampton Sheriff’s Office was also able to donate $500 to THE CENTER for Sexual Assault Survivors on the Peninsula. THE CENTER’s mission is to provide support, treatment, and advocacy for persons whose lives have been disrupted by sexual violence; and to lead the community toward the reduction of sexual violence through education and awareness.
Those citizens donating have demonstrated a contagious enthusiasm for the program that has our community buzzing. “It’s so rewarding to see a program grow and have such a positive effect in your community”, said Roberts. There is no end in sight for the program as we continue to safeguard our environment, support our senior population and victims of abuse. Fro further information about the program, please contact Lt. Cherry at (757)926-2540 or [email protected].