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Virginia Sheriffs' Institute
Supporting Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

Tazewell, VA – Monday July 14th, 2008 The Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office “Because We Care Team” received two donations and honors from the American Cancer Society. 

The American Cancer Society Relay for Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported and that one-day cancer will be eliminated.  Each spring many organizations in and around the Tazewell County area compete in the world largest not- for -profit fundraising events. This is the First year the Tazewell County Sheriff’s Office formed the “Because We Care Team” and had such a successful year. The team has put some real efforts forward, having participated in four major events, all of which were a great moneymaking fund raising success. (1st Annual Poker Run,1st Annual Trout Rodeo, Car Wash, the Relay 4 Life Tazewell High School.

Today, Jerry Hickman on behalf of the CNX Gas Company presented a donation of $1,000 and Judy Dillow with the North Tazewell Lions Club gave a check in the amount of $200. to Sheriff H.S. Caudill and then members of the “Because We Care Team” For Relay 4 Life.

A fourth place plaque was presented by Bonnie Jones the American Cancer Society Community Manager, and the regional Team Captain Buddy Stanley to H S Caudill and the “Because We Care Team. 

Congratulations to the “Because We Care Team” for their great fund-raising success, participation, commitment of time, efforts and compassion they raised a total of $9,000 which combined together with the Tazewell County region including 13 teams for a total in exceed of $70,000.

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