In December, Virginia automobile dealers will have the ability to print temporary tags from their printers. Unlike the cardboard temporary tags, law enforcement can access vehicle and owner information through the Virginia Criminal Information Network (VCIN) and get an immediate response just like checking information on a permanent plate.
Through a software program, dealers send DMV vehicle information including the year, make, model, color and vehicle identification number (VIN). The dealer also reports owner information including name, address, customer number, date the vehicle was sold and indicate whether the vehicle will be titled in Virginia or in another state.
Once all necessary information is entered, a unique temporary tag number and expiration date is produced for the vehicle. The temporary tag prints on white 8 ½” x 11″ paper from the dealer’s printer. Tags attach to the front and rear of vehicles via a clear, plastic sleeve. The vehicle information, including the dealer’s name, will appear on the tags. A temporary registration card will print on the same sheet and will be cut off for the customer to place in the vehicle. DMV will store the vehicle information and the temporary tag’s expiration date in its records.
Dealers can place their company logo in the top left corner where DMV’s logo is on the sample.
This new customer-friendly service was created with dealer and law enforcement input to ensure business needs are met.
The Print on Demand Temporary Tags program is being implemented at select dealerships so many dealers are still issuing cardboard temporary tags.
For more information, visit and click on Commercial Services and then Dealer Services or contact the Print on Demand Help Desk at (804) 367-1474 or [email protected].