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Virginia Sheriffs' Institute
Supporting Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

VSA Supports VINE Growth

Do you know that as a Sheriff in Virginia you have played, or will play, a critical role in the personal safety plan of tens of thousands of Virginians?  Imagine you are a domestic violence victim in your community.  Your offender is arrested and taken to jail, but in spite of the arrest you don’t…

Raffle to benefit the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program

The Rockbridge Patriots Detachment of the Marine Corps League is conducting a raffle in support of the Virginia Wounded Warriors Program. The VWWP is administered by the Virginia Department of Veterans Services and was initiated in 2008 to address the needs of veterans and their families whose lives have been touched by stress-related injuries or …

Hampton Deputies Help Shop for School’s Start

The Hampton Sheriff’s Office was one of many organizations that volunteered at 7am in August at the Hampton JC Penney store in support of the Hampton YMCA’s Bright Beginnings program. The YMCA partners with local businesses and fundraises throughout the year to help provide back to school clothing for children in the YMCA’s summer camp…