The Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office TRIAD began a new program in late June to assist those in need with mobility and quality of life equipment. Triad is a consortium of law enforcement, Senior Connections, the Virginia Office of the Attorney General, senior citizens and Social Services. TRIAD’s goal is to provide crime prevention and increase the quality of life for the senior citizens of Powhatan County.
TRIAD meets the first Wednesday of each month at The Saint John Neumann Church on Batterson Road. The group has several lunch or picnic meetings and hosts a health fair each year. Guest speakers address the group on a number of topics concerning health and wellness as well as the latest fraud and other crime prevention tips.
Ms. Sallie Sanderson of Powhatan County was the first recipient of loan equipment when Sheriff Brad Nunnally and Sgt. B. B. Luxford installed a window air-conditioner and box fan in her home. She has tolerated high heat and humidity for years, and this was a great relief for her. Members of TRIAD will be keeping an eye out for people who need various types of assistance, and the sheriff’s office will make sure that they receive it.
Sheriff Nunnally said, “We need to step up, assist and protect our seniors. They have contributed to our community, have a wealth of life experience and information for our county, and often are the most vulnerable.”
The TRIAD Equipment Program will offer certain high dollar items on an extended loan basis. The recipient is welcome to use the equipment for as long as they need it while living in Powhatan County. When an item is returned, it can then be loaned to another individual in need. Items include: wheel chairs, wheel chair ramps, emergency notification alarms, a power wheel chair with a hydraulic car platform, and several others. Less-expensive items and those that are less durable such as shower chairs, crutches, walkers will be given away.
This equipment was purchased using a grant, and several of the items were donated. The sheriff’s office is hoping for an additional grant this coming year to add to its inventory. The office is concentrating on high-dollar items and those not covered by Medicaid. If you know of someone who needs help, or want to donate equipment, call Sergeant Brad Luxford at the Powhatan County Sheriff’s Office at 804-598-5757.