Richmond Sheriff C.T. Woody Jr. and Chief Alfred Durham announced a joint partnership today with Project Lifesaver International (PLI), a nationally recognized program designed for Law Enforcement, Fire, and E.M.S. agencies which monitors wristwatch-sized tracking devices that can be placed on children diagnosed with Autism or other developmental disorders, or those who are elderly and suffering with Dementia or Alzheimer’s. The Richmond Police Department will commit themselves to this partnership in a variety of ways such as allocating funds to assist with enrolling new PLI-RCSO clients, serving as a referral source for those who wish to fit a family member with a monitor, and are looking at the possibility of fitting selected squad cars with PLI search equipment in the event of a client emergency.
“I’m very proud to have the Richmond Police Department and Chief Durham as partners in the Project Lifesaver Program,” said Sheriff Woody. “I currently have eight sworn staff that comprise RSO’s response team to the 12 clients we have in the program right now. We have a goal to add up to 20 more clients before this quarter ends. This partnership with Chief Durham will enable us to continually add more individuals to our roster who are in need of this program and allow us to exchange ideas and information with another agency to better serve those citizens who need Project Lifesaver.”
“We are really excited to have become partners with Sheriff Woody and his staff in the Project Lifesaver Program,” added Chief Durham. “As law enforcement agencies and as a community, we all have a responsibility for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of those who have intellectual and physical disabilities. To be able to especially assist our citizens who suffer from Alzheimer’s will be most rewarding for us.”