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Virginia Sheriffs' Institute
Supporting Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

~Graduates recognized at the Spring Conference in April~

The Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute is pleased to announce the 2019 class of the VSI Certification Program. This program promotes, recognizes and elevates the continued individual professional development of Virginia’s sheriffs and deputies. Sheriffs and deputies serving in the Commonwealth of Virginia carry immense responsibilities as the guardians of their communities, providing effective public safety services balanced with the fair and equitable treatment of every individual they encounter.

“I am honored to be a part of this year’s certification program class, and I offer my congratulations to the men and women who have taken time to participate in this voluntary certification program ,” said Sheriff Barry Letterman, Appomattox County, President, Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute. “Each member of this year’s class has demonstrated a deep personal commitment to exemplifying the professionalism and leadership necessary to instill confidence in the public safety function.”

Members of the 2019 class include:

The VSI Certification Program was developed by the Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute (VSI) in cooperation with the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association (VSA), the Performance Management Group at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation (VCPI).

VSI recognized and presented participants of this 2019 class a certificate of completion at its spring conference in April.

For more information, please visit