~VSI Certification Program is now accepting applicants for its third program year~
Richmond, VA—
The Virginia Sheriffs’ Institute is pleased to continue the certification program to recognize the individual efforts of Virginia’s sheriffs and deputies to enhance and develop their leadership and law enforcement skills. This program, initiated in 2017, is the first to certify the individual achievements of Virginia’s sheriffs and deputies, and was developed in partnership with the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association (VSA), the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation (VCPI), and the Performance Management Group at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Participation in the certification program is voluntary and is measured through a combination of education, advanced training and/or instruction, and work experience. Applicants are required to submit documentation supporting their work experience, educational achievements and career development. Sheriffs and deputies who achieve certification will have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to professionalism and leadership in their community.
“We are pleased to be able offer this program to our sheriffs and deputies,” commented VSI President and Charlottesville Sheriff James E. Brown. “The program enables our sheriffs and deputies who are deeply committed to their pubic service to continue to advance this commitment to excellence, life-long learning, and advancement of public safety as a profession.”
The application period is open October 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019.
For more information about the VSI certification program and to apply, visit http://certification.vasheriffsinstitute.org/.