On Saturday, November 16, 2019, the New Chesapeake Men for Progress Educational Foundation hosted their “4th Annual Black Tie Scholarship Gala.” The Black Tie Scholarship Gala is a glamorous event with a VIP reception, live raffle, music, and dining and dancing. The event raises money for educational programs and mentoring services for Chesapeake children. A portion of the proceeds provides scholarships and book stipends for local students at the NCMPEF’s “Annual Achievement and Scholarship Breakfast.”
The New Chesapeake Men for Progress Educational Foundation was founded in 2010 to help guide the next generation of local Chesapeake children (especially African-American young men) through scholarships, educational support, and mentoring. Since its inception, the NCMPEF has given out more than $127,000 in scholarships and grants.
At this year’s gala, Chesapeake Undersheriff, Colonel William C. Bennett Jr. and City Councilwoman Dr. Ella Ward were awarded Lifetime achievement awards for their long careers of public service. Sheriff Jim O’Sullivan presented Colonel Bennett with his award and spoke about Bennett’s 37 years as a law enforcement officer in Chesapeake.

For more information on the NCMPEF, please visit: http://thencmpeduf.org/index.html