Newport News – Sheriff Gabe Morgan took a quick break during a recent meeting with his command staff. He stepped out of the room and reappeared with several people and then made a surprise announcement. He called on Acting Lt. Col. Shonda Whitfield to announce her promotion to colonel and the position of chief deputy.
As second in command, she assumes leadership in the sheriff’s absence. She replaces Col. Eileen Sprinkle, who retired after 33 years at the NNSO.
Col. Whitfield has been with the Newport News Sheriff’s Office since February 1996. She most recently served as Administration Bureau Chief with the rank of lieutenant colonel (acting), effective May 17, 2021. Before that, she held the rank of major and was Chief, Services Bureau, overseeing personnel in Judicial Services/Court Security, Civil Enforcement, Transportation, and Community Relations.
During her 25-year career, Col. Whitfield has served in many departments to include the jail, security, classifications, and court security.
Col. Whitfield is a Peninsula native. She graduated from Warwick High School, attended Thomas Nelson Community College and St. Leo University and completed the Christopher Newport University Leadership Institute. Additionally, she completed the National Institute of Corrections Development for the Future Leadership series and the NIC Blended Correctional Leadership series. She graduated from the National Criminal Justice Command College at the University of Virginia in September 2014.
Col. Whitfield is married and has two daughters.