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Virginia Sheriffs' Institute
Supporting Virginia’s Sheriffs & Deputies

The York County School Division Special Education Advisory Council invited Sheriff Montgomery to speak at their most recent event on Tuesday, March 15th. Sheriff Montgomery discussed programs the York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office offers the community, particularly the specialized training deputies have been receiving on how to interact with citizens diagnosed with Autism safely. Sheriff Montgomery partnered with the Autism Society of Tidewater to arrange this training. In addition, the Sheriff’s Office recently created magnets, with input from families with autistic members, that anyone with special needs can place on their vehicles. These magnets are a visual cue for deputies that someone inside the vehicle may have special needs. In conjunction with the magnet, York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office offers a “heads-up” form that gives 911 dispatchers important information about special needs citizens that can be communicated to first responders when responding to calls for service in York County and the City of Poquoson.


If you live in York County or the City of Poquoson and would like to request a magnet and a heads-up form, please email [email protected] or stop by the sheriff’s office to pick them up.